Nurliyana Maludin, Khairul Anuar Mohammad Shah, Ng Yin Kuan, Oon Kam Hoe, Nur Syaheeda Aziz
This study examines the effects of cultural empathy, emotional stability, and flexibility of an expatriate’s personality traits on the turnover intention through the mediation effect of perceived cultural values. Personality traits are always used to explain an individual’ behavior in various situations. Thus, it is important to study the effect of personality traits amongst expatriates in the selection process before they commence on an international assignment. This study surveyed on expatriates who are working in the manufacturing companies located in Penang, Melaka, Johor, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. The finding showed a significant effect of expatriate’s personality traits on turnover intention. Cultural empathy was one of the three constructs used in this study to have a significant impact on the turnover intention through the mediation effect of perceived cultural values. Methodological and practical implications were discussed at the end of this study. In conclusion, this study emphasized the importance of personality traits in selecting expatriates for an international assignment.
Keywords: Personality Traits; Cultural Values; Expatriates; Manufacturing Industry; Malaysia